Saturday, October 26, 2013

Cast Away: Through the lens of philosophy of nature, work and technology!

The movie Cast Away is a potent manifestation of a human’s needs be it his basic needs of food, water and sex or his social needs of companionship and power. But the pursuit to the fulfillment of these needs is the important part to focus on and that is where nature, work and technology come into play. The movie describes the misadventure that Chuck Norris, the protagonist, goes through when he suffers a plane crash and lands up on a deserted island. The story is all about human survival when the protagonist is “cast away” from his hectic life full of modern luxuries. It’s his journey of survival for four long years all by himself.
The turning point in Chuck’s life is the plane crash, the clear implication of power of nature over man and technology. We could infer man’s tussle with nature and its bearings and it was not very pleasing. For example during the crash, till the last minute pilots made relentless efforts but they could not escape the fury of the storm and fell prey to it. When Chuck landed on that deserted island, he was alone with the might of nature and felt very insecure about it. He was unable to accept the daunting power of nature over him. In the night, he was very alert as he did not ‘trust’ nature after all that he went through. When he found out about the falling coconuts, he threw them on the rock to break them and then also tried crushing it with stones but all in vain. It was very clear perhaps due to the long disconnect with nature in his preceding life, he wasn’t having “effective interactions with his environment”. But learning from mistakes, very soon he used ‘technology’ to confront nature. He made tools like screw drivers with rocks to get over his thirst. Next, when it came to food, again Chuck had stressful experience catching fish and crabs also he couldn’t eat them raw. Very clearly the modern man was having a hard time coping up with nature without tools of technology. But then came the significant point when the protagonist created fire. After serious efforts when Chuck was able to make fire, he jumped with elation. His self-esteem boosted. He sang and danced as it fulfilled his need for power over his environment. This was the first instance where he was happy, happy to defeat nature.
Later, in the movie we could see that Chuck realized that he couldn’t survive by constantly batting with nature and thus he had to make peace. We could very clearly see the gradual harmony that came along. During the course of four years, Chuck could loosen up on his addiction with technology which was barring his relationship with the environment. He could now eat fish raw and was very sharp with his hunts. When he gave himself to nature, she taught him to survive.
Very evidently the movie describes the restlessness of man when power and sense of control are taken away from him. It was not necessary the work he did would bring sure shot reward. He couldn’t control the weather, shelter or even food. That lack of control got to him which frustrated him initially. The work he did was very inefficient as he did it as he had to do it. Work caused him anguish both physically and mentally. He hurt himself multiple times while working because he could not adapt to that setup where he did not have control. Though it wasn’t imposed on him by any means, but it was his instinct for survival that ‘forced’ him to do it. And that is why he tried to escape that island in longing of his life where he was the master of his work and life. But again the way to escape was not pre mediated carefully thus he failed. It is interesting to note about human nature here that Chuck craves for the place where work is all about running around here and there with no time for him and loathes the setup where work is about adventure, exploration, reflection and skills to survival. Later in the movie, when he returned back, he told his friend that he attempted to commit suicide but the log of the tree snapped and that’s when he realized he had no sense of autonomy on the island as he didn’t even have the choice to die. He had POWER OVER NOTHING. So he started gelling up with the circumstances and decided to live of that island. He used whatever leftovers that came along with the crash as a way to curb his appetite for technology. Like using the blades of the ice skates as knife, the dress as fish net and the life boat as shelter. And his creative thinking was the sole reason that he could escape that island when he could visualize the huge piece of tin as a mast for his raft. In his innovation spree, he also made a companion out of the volleyball and called him Wilson. He talked to him to banish his loneliness on the island and gradually got very emotionally attached to it.
In his life before the island, where man had invented so many labor saving devices, his labor wasn’t reduced. He did not have time for even proposing to the love of his life while after coming to the island he had all the time in the world to recreate. He painted the caves he lived in and the raft he made. He had the time to contemplate on his life and remember his love and think about her all day which he couldn’t do in all the years he was near her. Earlier he was clasped and choked by the ‘comfortable’ work and now he had the freedom to uncomfortable work, the freedom to survive the way he wants.
According to me, the ‘alienation’ he goes through brings him closer to life and the ultimate reality. No one in the ‘real world’ talks about the ‘alienation’ with nature as they think they have mastered it but surviving alienation from human civilization is considered to be a great achievement, a very human centric approach to survival. I think even this ‘real world’ is not real enough as it is disconnected from nature which is the ultimate reality. And that is why time and again we see nature reminding us of our position with Tsunamis, floods, droughts. Technology is not above nature and can never be. Though it is interesting to see how technology makes our life drastically easier. When Chuck returns from the island and there is a feast for him, the way he looks at the crab legs and the torch which lights fire with one click, he perhaps recollects the tremendous toil he underwent to create those two things and how easy technology has made things. But the trap is, man has made technology his identity which can never be as it is transient and ever changing. It is a superficial mask worn by people to project their power which is negligible in front of the greater forces. It is just a means to pacify the little and mundane things in life and he probably thinks people wouldn’t ever be able to understand that until they go through and moreover survive a life changing event that he went through to know about the greater forces and reality of life.
The movie is a poignant reflection about human nature and provokes the person to think where he is and what environment is he living in. It is an awakening from the materialistic goals of life and an effort to tell people to not be at strife with nature. If time is cyclic, will there be a day where man will go to the same stage where he started from, trapped in a situation where all his arrogance would be shattered and he would learn to live the harder way? No one knows and no one can answer. It was an amazing effort to make people realize that even in this world of comforts we wake up every day in hope that the sun will rise and who knows what the tide could bring, so our life is just gift wrapped in technology our final destination lies in nature. We rise form the womb of nature and will end in its womb in the form of ashes.  Beneath the hustle and bustle of man advancing every day, we are approaching towards our animalistic instincts; we are retreating back in time. Our boastfulness and the bubble created by superficial power will be burst one day. If it could happen to Chuck, it could happen to anyone but not necessarily everyone would survive. Until and unless we learn to respect our environment and come closer to it distancing ourselves with the technology foe, we can never be sure of our life. Technology is a fake assurance to life, the ultimate goal is to be with nature and work in harmony with it.

CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS: Through the Ethical Lens

’We are all faced throughout our lives with agonizing decisions. Moral choices. Some are on a grand scale. Most of these choices are on lesser points. But! We define ourselves by the choices we have made. We are in fact the sum total of our choices.’  Woody Allen’s movie Crimes and Misdemeanors ironically closes on that open ended note keeping the audience contemplating over their existence and the pursuit of seeking truth to find the meaning in their existence. Human life is construed by the choices a person makes during the course of his life and how those choices impact others usually invites the peoples’ judgment on right and wrong. Human choices are guided by a moral framework, distinct and unique for every free being yet philosophers around the world have come together to consolidate a few theories of ethics on the basis of patterns that human’s manifest. In the movie Crimes and Misdemeanors, the characters hold strong moral positions endorsing various ethical theories and how it impacts them in perceiving the concept of right and wrong deeds. This paper is an attempt to analyze the ethical positions that the characters believe in and how it influences the surroundings around them.
The plot of the movie revolves around two men, Judah Rosenthal and Cliff Stern whose lives are intertwined one way or the other and there is an effort by the directed to compare and contrast the approach towards life of these two men. Judah, the protagonist of the movie who is trying to veil an extra marital affair that is complicated out of proportion, is at the very start portrayed as a man who does not let religion guide his decisions. He bluntly states that ‘god is a luxury that I can’t afford’ to his blinding patient Rabbi Ben who tries to bring him into confessing his sin to his wife. In that scene, Judah pleads to reason and justice against the law of the god. He says ‘What good is the law if it prevents me justice?’ It is very clear that he condones the concept of a religious code of conduct and takes the position of an ethical egoist throughout the movie.
Extremely flustered with his neurotic girlfriend, Judah conspires to ‘get rid of’ her with his brother Jack. When finally the task is accomplished and Judah is informed of it, he is suddenly overwhelmed with remorse. The guilt strikes him hard and he loses his sleep for nights. The movie shows how Judah had a religious father who based morality in the commandments of divinity and perhaps that upbringing of religious affinity had lingered with him such that it subtly manifests itself at few instances. Judah is shown to fear god when he gets to know about the completion of the murder and comments ‘God have mercy on us, Jack’. He also remembers what his father said to him that ‘the eyes of god are on us always’.  We can also analyze Judah’s act through a utilitarian perspective where in his action brought happiness to the greatest numbers and it justified the killing of an individual in its fulfillment. So we could justify the act on the ends it delivered such that the importance of the means could be subjugated.
The movie is very strongly inclined towards how strong the idea of religion is in the lives of humans when it comes to taking moral decisions. But it also emphasizes on the contrast that there is a constant struggle to break free from the divine code of conduct to adopt an ethical framework to suit a person’s temptation to sins. The concept of ‘sight’ and ‘eyes’ is used in the movie in more than literal sense and consistently there is a strife to escape that sight and that is why Judah comments to Ben when he is turning blind that it is a virtue as he can’t see evil.
A very poignant scene in the movie is when Judah visits his old home and remembers his family discussing about morality on the dinner table. His father and his aunt take opposite moral stands. His father, a god fearing man, judges every action with its nearness to the religious code of conduct and claims ‘if you don’t follow god’s rules, he will punish you.’ He also affirms the fact ‘that which originates from a black deed will blossom in a foul manner’ and goes to the extent of choosing god over truth.  Whereas the aunt totally refutes the thought and take a consequentialist stance reaffirming that ‘might makes right’. She says that if a person does not get caught after a sin he is ‘home free’ and absolved of any sin.  Finally, we see that Judah confirms his egoist stance when in the last scene he speaks of a new dawn and his flourishing life to Cliff. He claims that if he had to be punished, he would have been and now that all his guilt is fading and he can come to terms with his conscience.
Throughout the movie we can see a parallel story progressing of Cliff, his troubled marriage and his new love interest, Halley. When he confesses his love to her, she clearly is troubled by the thought as it was immoral to fall for a married man. I believe throughout the movie Halley has a very objective approach to taking decisions. Infact when Lester, a successful filmmaker says ‘If you play your cards right, you could have my body’ she replies by saying ‘wouldn't you rather leave it to science’. I think she perhaps followed a Kantian framework of ethics. Although, throughout the movie I believe the ethical framework that suffers the most is Kant’s deontology as the characters walk over and crush the whole concept of categorical imperatives in their decision making and confide in a totally irrational pursuit of moral decisions. But there are various instances through which the director subtly emphasizes the importance of reason which is the only tool to question the basis of value judgments. It warns us of the slippery slope and questions till what extent we can go to justify the insignificance of our ethical blunders. Judah supports this when he tells Jack that ‘one sin leads to a deeper sin’. 

On a concluding note, I believe that the movie endorses the concept of Moral Relativism. It highlights that ethical frameworks differ from person to person and it is very difficult to shake their beliefs. In the closing scene, both Judah and Cliff resort to different opinions on the perpetrator of the murder. While Judah gives abdicates the executor of all the crimes due to good consequences, it is difficult for Cliff to digest the fact that one can absolve oneself from such a heinous crime. The scene thus has a loose ending, giving the audience the space to take their own moral position on the act thus signifying the very essence of ethics that is relativity and subjectivity. 

Juvenile Delinquency

With the Delhi gang rape case igniting the issue of women security in India, another raging question which has come into the limelight is about juvenile delinquency. As one the rapist was a 16 year old, the nation has been witnessing a hot debate regarding reducing the age of juveniles from 18 to 16. The Justice Verma committee, however, shot down the appeal for reducing the age bar but could not press the building resentment amongst people regarding the problematic nature of the Juvenile Justice Act.
Over the past four years, there has been a rise in juvenile crimes all over the world. According to USA’s Centre for Sex Offender Management, approximately 20% of all rape cases and 50% of child molestation cases are committed by juveniles. The recent incident in Connecticut school where a twenty year old boy killed twenty students and himself served as testimony to the rising crimes in the youth raising severe questions. In India, the involvement of juveniles in crimes has jumped by 10.5% under the Indian Penal Code. The horrifying numbers call for serious attention and deliberation regarding the upbringing of children in India and around the world. 
The legal age of juveniles varies globally between 16 and 18. It also depends upon the gravity of the crime committed. For example, in England, when juveniles commit adult crimes such as rape and murder they are tried in the Crown’s Court. Similarly many other countries treat juvenile crimes as adult crimes according to their severity and hence transfer them to adult courts. The two legal concessions that a juvenile enjoys is the assumption that the juvenile is unable to comprehend the consequence of the crime and that there is scope for reform in a juvenile far greater than an adult. Even if these concessions are complied to, the debate questions the right age to enjoy the benefits of the JJA. With the biological evolution, rise in awareness, introduction of technology and information boom, the innocence of juvenile and inability to infer the consequences is a highly dubious assumption to the opposing side. According to them, the Juvenile Justice Act does not cater to the changing environment the juvenile is exposed to and thus there is a dire need for reform.  
There is another division of people questioning the fundamental causes why juveniles are pushed into crime at an early age. Problems such as socio-cultural background, poverty, mental illness and parental pressure are enlisted by experts as the top reasons why a child becomes a delinquent. However recent statistics have debunked the role of poverty into juvenile crimes as the rising number of delinquents hail from affluent families. The country’s reluctance to address these fundamental issues reduces the chances of juvenile crime prevention and reform. If the country is able to fix the problems at the elemental level, the whole debate about reducing the juvenile age bar would become redundant.
The pathetic condition of juvenile homes is another factor that needs to be considered while analyzing crimes committed by children. The shelters are breeding grounds for criminals due to the frequent assaults subjected upon the children housed there. These homes defy the whole concept of reform amongst juvenile delinquents and render the purpose of the JJA useless.
The debate posed upon reducing the age of juvenile delinquents seems very superficial. It requires serious deliberation and focus on the elemental factors that push a minor into committing a crime. Reducing the age might not decrease the crime rate and thus there is a need to revisit the nature of legal concessions offered to delinquents. There is a need for reform in the JJA encompassing the changing nature of children in the world and the environment they are exposed to. Then only, perhaps, the nation and the world can curb the alarming problem of children throwing away books and brandishing lethal weapons.

Is Indian Democracy still Alive and Kicking?

French Nobel Laureate, Romain Rolland said about India, “If there is one place on the face of earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India.” 
India, the world’s largest democratic miracle is a country held together, in the words of Nehru, "by strong but invisible threads... a myth and an idea, a dream and a vision, and yet very real and present and pervasive". It is more than the sum of its contradictions.
India is one among those few countries which have sustained the democratic system since their independence. It has been marching its way ahead keeping together all its colors. According to me, what keeps us alive as a democracy is our success in formulating policies respecting India’s socio cultural ethos. This boosts up the morale of each citizen of this country irrespective of the caste, class and creed he belongs to and pushes him to participate in the democracy by voting for the deserving. Democracy is a challenging model in essence but the founding fathers of our country made it point to not let us suffer in the shackles of dictatorship or walk lost in the darkness of instability and uncertainty. We don’t have to look far to eulogize the contributions of the founders. India and Pakistan both got freedom together and we can see what time has brought for both the countries atleast in the political model if not more. In the past 63 years, India has confronted all internal and external dangers but still has managed to protect its democracy against all the odds unlike the unstable neighbor. Truly, the accomplishment is extraordinary and worth celebration.
Lincoln said, “Democracy is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people." All these determinants of a successful democracy are aflame and raging in our country. From Supreme Court quashing 2G licenses and Anna Hazare’s fight against corruption where people reminded the government that India is their country, to putting the goons in authority like A. Raja and Kanimohzi behind the bars, it all speaks out loud of the dynamics of our nation.
My fellow opponents would conveniently remind me of numbers like World Hunger Index, illiteracy rate, inflation rate, sex ratio. Numbers, Numbers and Numbers – but I refuse to define my country’s democracy as flawed just on the basis on a set of malign statistics. I’m not turning a blind eye to facts but essentially speaking democracy does not ensure a full stomach. What it ensures is- that you have the right to vote against a government which keeps you starving. I would love to die flying in the free sky of democracy even If I get no grains to feed than being fed grains in the cage of communism.
A lot of us compare our nascent democracy to 200 years old federal societies like the USA. Doesn’t even the thought of it highlight our irrationality? Our country has seen that success in 65 years which the so full democracies at their stage could hardly imagine. Every year 1% of people below the poverty line are being pulled out. India is the country where election’s results are declared in the minimum possible time. The Right to Information has been given to Indians which is not enjoyed by several full democracies of the world. But still my opponents would stick to their judgment that Indian democracy is passive and muted. Right?
India is a country which keeps the freedom of its citizens at utmost priority. Even the fact that we all can sit here and pass remarks over our country is part of our Indian democracy at work. We have media which has rights to broadcast and opine over anything that goes around even if it’s negative. Our country has a myriad of civil society institutions which go beyond to contours to solve prevalent social problems. 
Also, our judiciary is doing a careful job dealing with sensitive issues, ensuring justice to all. People comment that our judiciary has collapsed. It takes years to impeach the guilty. Yes, I agree to the fact that dispensing justice takes long but the reason for this itself is our alive and kicking democracy. Because of the hierarchy that a case goes through and because each person involved in the process has a say in it, the procedure slows down. I agree justice delayed is justice denied but isn't justice hurried, justice buried?

The whole essence of democracy is to encompass maximum people in decision making, but with it also tags along the pitfall that it is next to impossible to get a mass of 1.2 million to a consensus. Nonetheless, India is still manages to have a democracy in place because we rally behind a very simple consensus which is : In a complex and diverse nation like India, it is very hard to agree on everything, but we can live peacefully as long as we agree on the ground rules of how to disagree.

In the end I would like to conclude by saying that Indian democracy has fared very well in these early years of its existence and will continue to work wonders provided we all place our faith and participation in it. So as a proud Indian, tomorrow I wake up to take a breath of free air and fly in a democratic sky and let no fear of oppression cut my wings.


In the Hindu pantheon, the one god who has conquered the belief of people in all his manifestations is Shiva. From Rudra, the ferocious Vedic god to the auspicious boon giver in the Puranas- Shiva has taken various paradoxical forms and yet has reinforced the confidence of Indians in the Hindu mythology. Amongst the holy trinity, the spine of Hindu concept of divinity, Shiva stands prominent and is identified with the task of destruction of the world for a new beginning to follow.
During the Vedic times, Shiva was not a very popular god due to his sinister aspects and was labeled as a non-Aryan god called Rudra. He was a dweller of the mountains, inhabited the cemeteries, wore animal skin and rode the storms. He was the father of the Maruts (storm deities). He was believed to be a terrible god and people worshipped him out of fear outside the boundaries of the town and sought his benevolence. He was also known to be the god of medicine and was the protector of humans from diseases. He also was believed to guard the animals and thus came to be known as ‘Pashupati’.   
During the Puranas, Rudra’s identity changed completely and he became one of the most influential deities of Brahamanism and was given the name Shiva. It was during this period that he was entitled as the ‘destroyer’ in the Holy trinity and his supremacy was established. His worship was a followed by a strong cult called ‘Shaivism’.
Shiva’s iconography has been a subject of great interest and debate among the Hindu mythologists. His unique identity and symbolism has led to great insights into understanding the metaphorical and metaphysical concepts of Hinduism. The most remarkable feature of Shiva is his vertical third eye on the forehead symbolizing knowledge and time. This third eye remains shut at all times but when opened, during a rare situation, is believed to cause ultimate devastation. Shiva wears a Jata Mukuta, a hairstyle adorned with a coronet with a crescent moon emphasizing the fact that Shiva is beyond the cycle of time and activity of the cosmos. His starkest attribute is his trident, depicting the three ‘gunas’ – sattva, rajas and tamas. He is adorned with serpent ornaments suggesting his supreme renunciation to temptation.  He also holds a drum and its beats represent the primal sound of destruction leading to creation. He wears deer skin which reflects that a restless mind has to be brought under control by yoga. His other attributes are a staff and also a garland of skulls called ‘mund mala’. He has Nandi, the bull as his escort symbolizing restrained power and dharma. He is also associated with smoking Marijuana. He has a very raw and uncouth demeanor as compared to other sophisticated gods in the Hindu religion.
Shiva is commonly recognized as the originator and exponent of various arts such as music, dance and yoga. His fierce dancing style is called ‘tandava’ and the form is known as ‘Natraja’. One significant aspect of Shiva is his worship in the form of ‘linga’ or phallic worship for his power to control his sexual energy and creation. He is revered under various names such as Maheshwara, Neelkantha, Pashupati, Umapati, Girish, Natraja and most commonly Shiva.  


Siddharth aka. Sid
Mr. Shetty 

Scene 1:
(Priya and Karan are getting married. The bride’s family eagerly awaits the groom’s family to reach the resort where the wedding ceremonies will take place. )
ENTER STAGE-RIGHT: Mr. Shetty, Zoya, Neha, Priya staring at their cell phones. Mr. Shetty receives a text and the others are looking excitedly over his shoulder.
Mr. Shetty: He is coming tonight! Karan is coming tonight!
(Girls giggle and cheer)
Mr. Shetty: Karan will be joined his brother... Rishi...
(Priya blushed while other girls tease her)
Zoya: And... will Karan’s idiot oh I mean that friend be joining him?
(Mr. Shetty looks confused)
Zoya: You know, short guy, brown hair, stupid-looking,
Mr. Shetty: I... don't know who you mean.
Neha: She means Siddharth.
Mr. Shetty: Yes! Of course. All these years he has worked very well with Karan in his company.
Zoya: Serving beer?
Mr. Shetty: Don't mind my niece... She and Siddharth are in a war of the sexes. They can't be in the same room without fighting.
Mr. Shetty: I hope I stay friends with you...
ENTER: Karan, Manik, Rishi, Siddharth.
Karan: Hello people, Whats up?
(they laugh and hug, and shake hands. Hero eyes Rishi, blushing, while Zoya smirks at Siddharth.
Mr. Shetty: My prince, my home and my town are yours.
Karan: You are too kind, Mr. Shetty. Is this your daughter?
Mr. Shetty: Her mother tells me so.
Siddharth: You asked her? Did you have doubts? (sarcastically)
Zoya: It's amazing how you can still talk, Siddharth, when no one ever listens to you.
(Short silence)
Siddharth: Hello, Satan.
(They walk towards each other slowly; challenging, like cowboys in a duel)
Zoya: Satan? Well I guess even angels would turn to devils if they saw you.
Siddharth: You know, all ladies seem to like me... except you. Pitty, I don't like them.
Zoya: Pitty? I think it's very lucky. But as for me, I'd rather have my teeth pulled out, then to hear a man tell me he loves me.
Siddharth: Thank GOD! Please, don't ever change that attitude, otherwise some poor man will end up with claw marks on his face.
Zoya: Scratching his face couldn't make it any worse than yours!
(Siddharth starts to answer but Karan stops him)
Karan: We'll have plenty of time for fighting later. Mr. Shetty is throwing a party for us tonight. We should all prepare for it.
(Prince bows; Mr. Shetty bows back. They all leave, except Siddharth and Rishi. Zoya makes a rude gesture at Siddharth)
Siddharth (stomping angrily) I hate that girl! I hate her, hate her HATE her!
Rishi: Siddharth.
Siddharth: WHAT!?
(Rishi hesitates. Siddharth takes a breath and relaxes)
Siddharth: Yes?
Rishi: Did you see Mr. Shetty's daughter?
Siddharth: I saw her... but didnt notice much.
Rishi: Isn't she... well... cute?
Siddharth: Do you want my polite opinion, or my honest opinion as a dedicated woman-hater?
Rishi: Just tell me what you really think of her.
Siddharth: She's too thin, too dark, too tall, and too... FEMALE!
Rishi: You think I'm kidding.
Siddharth: Are you... after her?
Rishi: Well, I...
Siddharth: Tell me you're not in LOVE!
Karan: What's up boys? Why didn't you follow us.
Siddharth: You don't want to know!
Karan: I demand to know.
Siddharth: He is in love... with who... with... NEHA! Mr. Shetty's daughter.
Karan: Rishi... I like your taste.
Siddharth: You have got to be kidding.
Karan: Hey, you are the last person anyone should ask about love and women.
Siddharth: I am just speaking my mind. Neha's cousin... Look, for my own sake, I won't love any woman, and I'll die single.
Karan: I will bet you, before I die, I will see you turn green with love.
Siddharth: I will turn green with anger, sickness, hunger, but NEVER with love.
Karan: Then it's a bet?
(they shake hands)
Siddharth: Done.
EXIT Siddharth
Karan: So... Neha?
Rishi: I saw her when we went to the club, and I liked her, and... 'like' became 'love'.
ENTER Ramu. (He sees Karan and the prince, and listens to them secretly)
Karan: Don't look so sorry! If you love Neha, be proud of it!
Rishi: But I don't know if she loves me and I'm afraid to ask.
Karan: You are talking to the love master!  At Mr. Shetty's party, we will wear masks, so I will dress like you, and dance with Neha, and tell her I love her! And then she is yours!
(Rishi hugs Karan)
EXIT everyone
Scene 2:
(Manik is washing and grooming, looking upset)
Ramu: You seem... upset, Manik Bhaiya.
Manik: Because I have no reason to be happy. I want to do something bad, but I don't know what.
Ramu: I have some news I think you'll like.
Manik: What news?
Ramu: Someone has fallen in love.
Manik: Someone?
Ramu: Your littlest brother!
Manik: Aha! Rishi! Whom does he like?
Ramu: Neha, Mr. Shetty's daughter.
Ramu: I was just listening to them in the garden. The Karan will dance with Neha, dressed as Rishi, and ask her to be his girlfriend.
Manik: Hmm... I think I finally have a way to cause trouble. Are you with me?
Ramu: Ofcourse (grins)
Manik: Then come, let’s plan some mischief.
EXIT everyone
Scene 3:
Disco music in the back. ENTER Siddharth
(Siddharth is carryng a mask. He's obviously angry)
Siddharth: Mama's boy! *to the audience* She said I'm a mama's boy! I will get her, I swear. *makes a choking motion*
ENTER Karan, Neha and Mr. Shetty
Karan: Siddharth, have you seen Rishi?
Siddharth: I saw him sitting in a corner somewhere.
Karan: and what's wrong with you? Have you been talking to Zoya again?
(Pause. Siddharth starts to cry)
Siddharth: She called me a mama's boy!
(Everyone snickers at him)
Siddharth: Don't laugh!
ENTER Zoya and Rishi
Neha: Look, here she comes.
(Siddharth runs off stage-left. Everyone laughs at him.)
Karan: Rishi you look sad. You have no reason to be. Here... I have got your girlfriend for you!
(Rishi and Neha hug)
Karan: And now we must find you a husband, Zoya.
Zoya: A rich lawyer?
Karan: What about me?
Zoya: No financial analysts... they are much too expensive. Goodnight.
Karan: Nice girl.
Mr. Shetty: She's always happy. Neha tells me she laughs in her sleep.
Karan: But she'll never talk about a boyfriend.
Mr. Shetty: No. She laughs at anyone who approaches her.
Karan: She'd make a good girlfriend for Siddharth.
(Everyone laughs)
Rishi: What!? They would kill each other in a week!
Karan: My friends, I have a plan.
Rishi: A plan?
Karan: Yes, a plan, to cause Siddharth and Zoya to fall madly in love!
Karan: But, I will need help from all of you.
Mr. Shetty: I am with you!
Rishi: And me!
Karan: and you, my brother’s lady?
Neha: I will do anything to help her not hate men!
Karan: Then come with me, and I'll tell you everything.
EXIT everyone

Scene 1:
ENTER Siddharth
Siddharth: Ramu
Ramu: Haan bhaiya?
Siddharth: There's a book in my room. Bring it here.
Ramu: But it’s already here.
Siddharth: Yes... that's why I want you to go to my room... and bring it here!
EXIT boy
Siddharth: *to audience* See how stupid people become when they think of love... I NEVER thought that would happen to Rishi. *looks backstage stage* Oh, here's comes my friend... and the lover boy. I don't want to see him.
(Siddharth hides under a table) ENTER Karan, Mr. Shetty, and Rishi
Karan: *stage whisper* Did you see where Siddharth hid?
(they look at the table)
Rishi: Very well.
Karan: Mr. Shetty, did I hear you correctly? Zoya is... IN LOVE with Siddharth?
(Siddharth hits his head under the table and we hear a muffled "ooooowwwww..whaaaa?")
Rishi: Really? I never thought that woman COULD love a man.
Mr. Shetty: Me neither, but it's even MORE amazing that the guy she loves is... Siddharth... who she always seems to hate.
Karan: Maybe she's pretending?
Mr. Shetty: No that's impossible.
Karan: How do you know? What signs of love does she show?
(Siddharth sticks his head out of the table cloth)
Mr. Shetty: Signs?
Karan: yes, what signs?
(Mr. Shetty doesn't know what to say, so after some hesitation he pretends to whisper something to the prince and Rishi)
Karan and Rishi together: AMAZING!!!
(they start to sit around another table and Siddharth quickly hides his head again)
Rishi: Has she told Siddharth?
(Siddharth looks up from behind the table)
Mr. Shetty: No, and she never will.
Ramu: Your book, bhaiya.
(Siddharth beats him off and crawls quickly back under the table)
Rishi: Maybe someone should tell him for her?
Mr. Shetty: Nooo, he would only make fun of her!
Karan: Poor girl.
Rishi: Yes.
(Karan, Mr. Shetty, and Rishi stand up again)
(Siddharth sticks his head out again)
Karan: She is very beautiful.
Rishi: And sweet.
Mr. Shetty: And smart.
Karan: Smart in everything... except for loving Siddharth.
Siddharth:  WHA!!!!
(Everyone turns. Siddharth hides quickly. After a few seconds hesitation Siddharth makes duck noises.)
Karan: Duck?
Rishi: Duck!
Mr. Shetty: Yes, just a duck.
Karan: Pity Siddharth will never know.
Rishi: Yes, they would be so good together.
Mr. Shetty: True.
Mr. Shetty: Well people, dinner is ready. Let’s go?
Karan: Lead the way.
(They start to leave, but before exiting they stop and whisper together)
Karan: I have an idea! Lets send Zoya to invite Siddharth to dinner!
(Everyone laughs and nods as they leave)

EXIT Karan, Rishi, and Mr. Shetty
(Siddharth crawls out)
Siddharth: This is impossible! LOVE ME? Of course! It makes sense! That is why she acts like she hates me... because she is so... MADLY in love!
(Looks backstage stage-left and panics)
Siddharth: Oh god, here she comes.
(He runs and jumps on the table, sits in a flirty pose, and smiles.
Zoya: I'm supposed to tell you to come to dinner.
Siddharth: Well, aren't you sweet.
(Zoya starts to leave)
Siddharth: Zoya.
(She stops and turns)
Siddharth: Thank you for your trouble.
Zoya: No Trouble.
Siddharth: Then you are enjoying this?
Zoya: As much as you would enjoy being stabbed!
Siddharth: HA! She DOES love me!
(Lies on the table, blissfully)
Siddharth: Ramu! Where is my book!
(Servant bows and gives book to Siddharth. Siddharth takes book and hits him with it)
Siddharth: Now get out!
(Siddharth takes a moment to sigh and then dances off stage-right)
Scene 2:
(She walks across stage, looking annoyed. She hears voices behind the curtain)
Priya: But are you sure Siddharth loves Zoya so much?
(Zoya freezes, then runs into a closet)
Neha: That's what Karan told me!
(Neha and Priya see Zoya's fingers in the door. They smile naughtily and Neha leans against the closet door)
Priya: Do they want you to tell her?
Neha: They did, but I think it's better if she doesn't know, for Siddharth's sake.
(They walk away from the closet. Door swings open and we see Zoya grimacing painfully)
Priya: Why? Siddharth is perfect for her!
Neha: Yes he is, but you know Zoya has got a lot of attitude, and she can't love anything except herself.
(Zoya looks offended)
Priya: Yes, that's true. She would just laugh if she knew.
Neha: So I will talk to Siddharth, and tell him he must NEVER tell Neha, even though it might kill him.
(At the thought of Siddharth dying, Zoya suddenly looks very sad)
Priya: I still think you should tell her.
(Zoya closes closet door)
Neha: No, I cannot. It would be better that I tell him she will never love him. Maybe then he will get over her.
Priya: I guess you're right.
(They start to leave but before going off they stop to giggle mischievously. Music plays and Zoya dances blissfully out of the closet. Then Siddharth dances on stage, equally dreamy. They dance a while then see each other and leave, embarrassed)
Scene 3:
(Siddharth is primping in a mirror, dancing to the song "Girlfriend")
ENTER Mr. Shetty, Karan, and Rishi STAGE-RIGHT)
He combs his hair, sprays deodorant, rinses his mouth, and sprays perfume. Karan, Rishi, and Mr. Shetty watch from side-stage, trying not to laugh. Siddharth then throws a colorful scarf around his neck, and everyone laughs aloud at him. Siddharth sees them and puts the scarf down quickly.
Karan: My friends, does Siddharth seem different to you?
(They walk towards Siddharth and surround him)
Mr. Shetty: I think he looks sadder.
Rishi: I think he's in love.
Mr. Shetty and Karan: Oooooh!
Siddharth: I have a toothache!
(Everyone laughs. Mr. Shetty picks up the scarf)
Mr. Shetty: And is this toothache medicine?
(They laugh again. Siddharth grabs the scarf. Karan sniffs Siddharth)
Karan: Is that perfume?
Siddharth: Get lost!
EXIT Siddharth
(Everyone laughs again. Mr. Shetty looks a bit sorry for Siddharth)
Mr. Shetty: Siddharth, wait!
EXIT Mr. Shetty
Manik: Brother! Rishi! You must come with me!
Karan: What's the matter?
Manik: Rishi, you like Neha, right?
Rishi: Yes, in a few days.
Manik: You might not when you see what I saw. Come!
EXIT everyone
(Clear Stage)
ENTER Neha and Karan. They are flirting and talking as they walk across the stage.
ENTER Manik, Rishi, and Karan
Manik: Look!
Rishi: Is that... Neha?
Manik: Neha is nothing but a bitch! If I were you, I would never fall for a promiscuous girl like her!
EXIT Neha and Karan STAGE-LEFT
(Rishi looks shocked. Manik pats Rishi on the shoulder, comfortingly, then leaves stage-right. Rishi drops to his knees)
Act 3
Scene 1:
ENTER Mr. Shetty, Rishi, Karan, Neha, Siddharth, Zoya, Priya
(At the wedding mandap, after all the formalities)
Karan: Rishi, soon its gonna be time for you to tie the knot? Finally, you have the love of your life!
Rishi: No!
(Everyone looks at Rishi)
Karan: is something wrong?
(Rishi looks at Neha standing across him.)
Rishi: How is your boyfriend Neha?
(Everyone gasps)
Neha: What?
Mr. Shetty: Rishi you must be joking!
Rishi: I saw you with another man last night.
Neha: Impossible.
Rishi: Goodbye, Neha
(Rishi turns to leave. We hear protests from Mr. Shetty, Priya, and Zoya. Neha looks shocked)
ENTER Siddharth, Manik and Ramu
(Siddharth is dragging the others. Rishi stops to see what's going on)
Karan: Sid, what are you doing with my brother?
Siddharth: I heard your step brother and our Ramu about their plan to destroy their relationship.
Mr. Shetty: What did you do?
Ramu: The girl you saw last night wasn't Neha, it was Priya. *points at Priya*
(Everyone turns to Priya)
Ramu : She didn't know anything. It was all Manik's idea!
(Manik punches Ramu on the shoulder)
(Karan goes to hit Manik, while everyone tries to stop him)
Karan: Sid, let them to get out of my sight before I do something terrible.
Exit Manik and Ramu
Rishi: Neha, forgive me.
Neha: Of course!
(They hug and everyone claps)
Siddharth: Zoya!
Zoya: Yes?
Siddharth: Don't you love me?
(Zoya looks surprised. Everyone smiles and Ooh's at them)
Zoya: Well... no... why? Do you love me?
Siddharth: No... well... maybe like I love my cat.
Karan: You DO love her and I can prove it! I found this in Siddharth's room- it is a love letter written for Zoya!
(Siddharth tries to grab it but misses)
Neha: And here's another! Zoya wrote this for her love, Siddharth. (sarcastically)
(they give Siddharth and zoya the letters. They read them. They tilt heads to the side, touch their hearts, then say "awww")
Siddharth: Ok, I confess, I do love you.
Karan: I told you would fall in love.
Siddharth: My friend, I have found that love is a strange thing, and it can happen, to anybody. Let’s have some MUSIC and celebrate my friend’s wedding!
(Music plays, and one-by-one people grab partners and dance off stage)



She banged the door behind her, flung her bag on the bed and walked fiercely towards the cabinet at the corner of the room. She dug out all her song scripts, pictures of her receiving awards and started tearing them piece by piece. She screamed and sobbed looking at the pictures until she found the one where she is sitting in the train with her best friend, bidding a final goodbye to the city which created her…..
‘So, this is it. I can’t believe you are leaving, Anushka. It seems so unreal; it feels like it was yesterday when we both met at Guruji’s place.’
‘I know. I am so excited. I can’t believe I’ll be studying in Mumbai! I’ll be meeting all those new and exciting people. I just can’t wait’.
‘Don’t get disillusioned by the city of dreams, okay? And don’t you dare forget us. We might be from a small city of Ranchi, but we all do love you.’
‘Areeee, Aman! Senti mat ho naa! Main marne nahi wali, aati rahungi tum logo se milne. Chill yar. I am just worried that they all like me, you know.
‘Ofcourse they’ll like you Anushka. You’re ambitious, open minded and pretty; you love new experiences and above all you’re so talented. You know what they all say that you were always too progressive for Ranchi, so I am sure you’ll be perfect for Mumbai.
The train horn blew with all its strength. It was time to leave. Aman hugs Anushka for the final time and leaves the train. He stares at her hair flowing outside from the window, almost seeming like they were trying to reach out to him. She tries to grasp a hold of her hair and forces them into bun. It annoys him; he always likes her hair open. She takes a last glimpse at him and smiles. He is fine again and screams ‘Don’t forget to call me when you win Mood Indigo!’ Her smile turns into a hearty burst of laughter. Her eyes light up and her face beams as the train rolls by, fading the vistas of the city and turning them into just memories. 
. .
Its morning, she wakes up to the hustle of the Mumbai Central station. Her beaming eyes are fascinated by the amount of people she saw. An old man, wearing a vest and dhoti selling a cutting to a young man, all suited up to probably to attend a job interview; a young girl negotiating with the paperwala over the price of the Cosmopolitan she wanted to buy; a college student trying to catch the local; a pickpocket eyeing people to find the next victim. She saw old and young, busy and easy going, stressed and happy. She saw them all and she saw all the hues of Mumbai, at once.
. .
The next day, after experiencing a not so great local train ride, she reached the college. After staring at the profound building of the college and sinking it in, she entered it along with another hundreds of students, stepping into the new experiences of college life.
Anushka was awed. She was amazed with the diversity of talents that thrived in the college. She saw dancers grooving in the middle of the hallway, she saw nerds stacking their books on the first day, she saw a guy and a girl debating on a global issue, she saw a couple kissing in the corner of the classroom. However a little overwhelmed by the cultural shock, Anushka was fascinated by the demeanor of the new city and was starting to love it.
As she crossed by the main corridor, she stopped by the notice board to check any information for freshers. However, her eyes immediately drifted away as she saw a poster of the Music Club right next to it. The poster invited freshers with musical talent to come and showcase their abilities. The thought of meeting new people with similar interests as hers intrigued her, as she headed for the Jamming room.
An old slightly wrecked but huge room with high ceiling and French windows stood in front of her. There was a huge group of students in the hall. The sound of electric guitar and drums screeched their way past the group and hit her. She made her way ahead to watch the jamming session. There was a guy on the drums showcasing his dexterity with the sticks, a strikingly cute guy on the guitar and girl, the vocalist, creating an aura with herbrusque voice.
What’s in your head, in your head…Zombie Zombie…eyah eyah eyah…..
As the lead singer ended the song with a deep sigh, the audience broke into applause.  The support of the audience reflected in their thunderous claps got Anushka all excited as she volunteered to be the next participant.
‘So, what’s your name, girl? Where are you from?’ the drummer asked.
‘I am Anushka Sinha. I am from Ranchi’, she replied.
‘Ranchi? Where the hell is that bro? Isn’t that in Bihar?’ the singer girl inquired.
‘No, it’s the capital of Jharkhand; the state was earlier a part of Bihar, now it isn’t.’, Anushka defended.
‘Ya, ya…whatever that is! Bihar-Jharkhand… one and the same thing. Dudes, we have a Bihari in college!’ Everyone breaks out into laughter.
‘People, relax! Give the girl a chance atleast’, asserted the guy with the guitar. So what are you going to sing for us? What’s your scale?
‘Scale? Umm.., Anushka started shifting in her shoes. For the first time in her life, she became nervous in front of an audience. I want to sing Aaja Piya Tohe Pyar Du by Lata Mangeshkar.
‘What What What? The drummer exclaimed. Is that a song? A Hindi song? Are you out of your mind? Why don’t you sing that Bihari song of yours…what was it guys
‘Dil wale ke dil ka karar lootne, main ayi hun UP Bihar lootne…’ The audience sang in chorus and started laughing and mocking her. Tears trickled down her eyes, as Anushka tried to wipe off the offending cheek.
The guitarist signaled by his band friends goes up to her. ‘Aww…don’t cry girl! How do these stupid asses know what talent Bihar has got? he said, trying to hide the smirk. They don’t deserve your talent. Wait, I’ll take you to the perfect audience for you.
He takes her to the entrance of the college. Anushka quietly sobs on the way. The crowd quietly follows them out of curiosity. 
‘Here we are. These will be the best people who will appreciate your talent. You might even know some of them.’
Anushka wipes her tears and looks up. She sees a row of autos where auto drivers, chatting and bickering with each other. 
This time the crowd roars with laughter. Anushka bursts into tears and runs away right out of the college.
He looks behind seeking a sign of approval from his band mates. They laugh and call out, ‘Swarit, dude, let’s go! We’re late for class.’ They all rush back as the sound of the bell echoes in the college campus.
. .
She banged the door behind her, flung her bag on the bed and walked fiercely towards the cabinet at the corner of the room. She dug out all her song scripts, pictures of her receiving awards and started tearing them piece by piece. She screamed and sobbed looking at the pictures.*
She had never been so insulted before. Everyone loved her back in Ranchi. They all thought she was extremely talented. She earned a Visharad in Indian Classical Music when she was only sixteen. He was the popular girl, she was the one everyone wanted to be, she was the big fish. A big fish who got lost and bogged down in the limitless ocean of talent that the big city hosted.
‘I quit’, she told herself. 
. .
Months pass by as Anushka goes for her classes and returns home right after. With no friends at all, she dedicates herself to studying. Rarely, she comes out of her room to interact with her flatmates.
One day, as she reads a book in the break between her classes, she sees her phone ringing. It’s Aman. She ignores it. The phone starts ringing again. She stares at his name flashing on her phone screen and finally decides to pick it up.
‘Anushkaaaa….it’s you!’, a voice exclaimed from the other side in a slurry tone.
‘Aman? Are you alright?’
‘Anushkaa, I really misssss you! It’s soo lonely out here.’
‘Aman, are you drunk? She inquires, worriedly.
‘Drunk, noooo!! Anushka can you please sing that song for me? The one that I love, especially that one part!’
‘What? Anushka, stood up and shrieked. Concerned that people might see her, she ran up the stairs at the roof of the college building’  
‘Aman, its 11 in the morning. Who got you drunk? I can’t sing I am in college’.
Anushkaaa, please please please! Or I’ll die. Aman, started to sob.
Okay Okay! But just two lines, the part you like.
Bhaage re man kahin aage re man chala jaane kidhar jaanu naaa…ke haan haan haan re, bhaage re man kahin aage re man chala jaane kidhar jaanu na
As she sang the lines, a spirit of divine power entered her voice and every note she hit turned her cheeks red as, her body fuelled by the energy of music, pumped blood to every inch of her body. The sight was ecstatic. She hung up and started to rush back to her classes when suddenly a voice stops her in her feet.
‘Wow, you really have some good notes, there. No wonder he wanted to listen to you, so desperately. Who’s he? Boyfriend from Bihar?’ he smirked. 
She turns back only to find Swarit, coming out from the other corner of the roof, puffing a cigarette on his way.
‘Why do you care? For all you know he might be an autowala.’ she rebuked and ran down the stairs.
. .
‘Guys, this is not happening! We do the same thing every time. Distortion, incessant drumming solos, and aggressive vocals – I want to do something different this time?’ 
‘Yaa bro, you’re right! We should try something different. Oh ya, lets shift from metal to rock! That would be a hell of a change for us!’
‘No, yaar Karan’, Swarit said disappointedly taking his drumsticks from him to stop the drum roll. I want to do something really different, something melodies – you know something Indian.
‘What?’ Rhea shrieked. I have been singing in this band for three years now and dude Swarit I haven’t heard you say something so absurd ever. What’s wrong with you? Come smoke this ‘J’ with me, probably it will get your head straight.
‘Ahh, leave it you guys. I am going out, I need some air’, he stormed out of the Jam Room. Rhea and Karan stared at each other in confusion as they watched him leave.
.  .
It was dusk; the sky had turned bright red as if it was getting its life from the giver of life, blood, giving the skyline of Mumbai an angered personality that is trying to cool down after bearing the redness of incessant work it has done in the day.
He walks up to the steps at Marine Drive and tries to sink the sight in. He sits there with his legs folded and looks for the lighter in his pockets. Against the sky, he lights his cigarette and it burns as if it is challenging the sky of its warmth and redness. As he glides his eyes over the couples that flock the rocky beach, his eyes stop over a girl.  A girl, he was sure he knew, even in the faintness of distance. He smiled as he knew what he had to do. He pushes himself over the steps and tries to make his way through the rocks.  As he approaches the girl, he smiles at his judgment and sits next to her. 
Deep in contemplation, she is unnerved by his presence. Her face was glowing, partially due to the reddish hue that the sky reflected at her and partially due to the inner peace she was seeking.
He broke the silence.
‘Before you think that I am stalking you or something I want to make it clear that I have no intentions to do that. I am here because I saw you in the distance and…
What do you want Swarit? She cuts him off.
If I hadn’t known you’re from Bihar, I wouldn’t have been able to ever guess it. You know, considering all the guts you have.
She keeps silent.
Anushka, that’s your name? Isn’t it? I was wondering if you want to sing…
Ahh why? The autowalas have a union function or what?
Okay listen. For that, whatever happened, I am sorry. It was the first day of the new session, everyone was in some mood for fun and I didn’t weigh the consequences. I didn’t mean to hurt you…
Didn’t mean to hurt me, she shouted. What were you thinking? Oh small town girl, let’s make fun of her and get all the attention. It’s a one day deal? You know what you big town people just think about yourselves and you can get what you want at the cost of anything. Not just that, you made fun of my music! I might not know your English bands, but one thing I know, people who can make fun of music can never be real artists. So stop pretending that you’re some great musician because you’re nothing but a bully. And ya, next time pick on someone your own size.
As she frantically stood up to leave, almost unable to stop her tears. Swarit grabbed her and looked into her eyes…
‘Yes I am not good enough. Yes, I am afraid to say that even to myself but one thing you got wrong is that I am not an offender of music’.
He went on as Anushka battled his grip and finally gave in to listen to him speak.
‘Okay I am afraid of losing people’s attention? What were you afraid of? If you are some great artist, why did you stop singing? I think the biggest offender of music is the one who doesn’t value his own gift.
She couldn’t look him in the eye anymore. She stared at her feet.
‘Look at me, Anushka. This is Mumbai- city of dreams, yet a city where people don’t hesitate to crush other people’s dreams. If you can’t deal with these things now, people will walk over you.  You need to be strong and do what you came here for.
She started crying her eyes out.
‘Stop crying like a 5 year old who just got to know that Santa doesn’t exist!’ Listen, he spoke convincingly.
‘Not a lot of people will tell you what I just said for the fear that you will grow stronger and outdo them. I have no such fear because I know you’re better than me; you’re better than anyone I have ever heard. And I don’t want you to go down as I won’t be able to cope up with the guilt. I am sorry Anushka and I want to make it upto you.’
‘The band entries for Mood Indigo have opened; I want you to sing for me.’
Her eyes twinkled as she heard his proposition. She looked at him, doubtfully.
‘Don’t doubt yourself, Anushka. You’ll do great and you know why?
She looked at him timidly. ‘Why?’
‘Because music has no language.’
Her eyes glistened and he kissed her, against the backdrop of the setting sun. Their eyes closed and they moved away into a different world, away from the hustle of Mumbai. They felt eternal, as the sole thread of music that brought them together was the source of all liberation in the world.
. .
As she hit that highest last note and left the audience craving for more, the hall broke into a thunderous applause. The performance was fresh and riveting. They all screamed in unison ‘Aalap, Aalap, Aalap’! She looked at him and he nodded in appraisal.
It was the last performance and it was time for the final scores. They held each other’s hands in togetherness.
‘And the winner of the Mood Indigo Band Event goes to, the Kryptonites’!
He looked at her, timidly. She smiled. He was surprised.
It’s okay Swarit. It’s not a defeat. We’ve won because we overcame our fears. After going through everything, I had the strength to go up to that stage and perform. You went against your band members to try something new. That takes guts. We did a great job and the fact that we did it together makes it all the more special.
A tear tricked down his cheek for the first time. He hadn’t heard of anything like that before. He pulled her towards him and hugged her.
She smiled and kissed him on his cheek. ‘I love you’
‘I love you too, Anushka.’
‘I’ll be back in a minute.’
‘Where are you, going?’
‘I have an autowala to sing to’
He smiled.
.  .
Ke haan haan haan re, Bhaage re man kabhi aage re man chala jane kidhar jaanu naa….
‘Hii Anushka’, replied a doubtful voice.
‘You never called me back to sing, so I thought I’d call you back and sing myself.’
‘Look Anushka, I am really sorry for that day. I don’t know what got into me. Some stupid friends got me drunk and I just lost it….
‘Aman, it’s alright.  I am your best friend yar! Also, I am coming back to see you in a week, I have vacations.’
‘Really?? That’s great! I have great news to tell you anyway?
‘Ooooh..Whats that?’
‘Anushka, I met someone.’
‘Aman, seriously?? When, where, how?
‘You come down; I’ll tell you everything in detail.
‘Now I am excited. Oh and ya, I just performed at Mood Indigo’
‘Whattt?? Why didn’t you tell me earlier you fool? Congratulations! How did it go?

Anushka smiled and said, ‘I won Aman, I won.